It's "later".
There are, or were, two boxes, overflowing with script drafts, programs, posters, postcards, letters, articles, newsletters, photographs, and more. The first box was filled after the New York Fringe in 2004, the other this past year.

invitation to the staged reading, 2002
There's another box, too, set high on a shelf in our hallway, the one we bought in 2001 at the art museum. That one was for all the things we had collected of Calvin's. They needed a place to go once we were through having them sit around what was to be his nursery. Zelda has expressed interest in it in the past, and we had no time to go through it last March 20, much to Toni's chagrin. I want to make sure we can open it and look inside next week.

much too late "apology" from Gerber, 2003
(click on to enlarge)
As for the FIle box I am putting together now, it is breathtaking. I had forgotten some of these items. It brought a sense of nostalgia to touch the small, ticket-sized flyers we used in Minneapolis and NYC. The most startling thing was how neatly the two boxes were divided. The 2002-2004 box has been in the attic, out of the way. The 2005-2007 box has been in my office where I glance at it all the time.

letter from Sherrod Brown following Writers & Their Friends reading, 2004
(click on to enlarge)
The newer box is about SANDS UK, medical conferences, perinatal bereavement organizations. The older one is about theater festivals. That box is about crafting, presenting, promoting a theater piece. The newer box is about using what I had made to help others.
I think I can condense both boxes into one. I don't need 100 extra flyers from each performance, or all the posters and programs. Maybe a dozen or two. I can save pages from newspapers, not entire papers. What I don't know is where I will put the whole thing when I am through with it.
Am I through with it?