Saturday, March 19, 2005


Ten years ago today, March 19, 1995, Toni moved in. She didn't have a job, she didn't have a driver's license, but she moved to Cleveland. To leave New York. To be with me.

The mid-90s. Yes, that was a long time ago. And it is shocking to think this decade (whatever we call it) is half over already. And boy, didn't the first half just blow?

Four years ago today Toni and I checked in at University Hospitals for a routine appointment with our midwife and were told our baby was dead.

We've split the birthday party in half this year. This morning Mom joined us at the Zoo. It was cool but very, very pleasant. We were there early and got to see the parade of elephants coming out of the house for the day. And the otters at the Rainforest were particularly frisky this morning. I am very glad Mom came. She seemed very happy.

After nap-time we began the feast - and we are still in the middle of preparing it. There's been cheese-stuffed olives and smoked mozzarella and marinated mushrooms with Kaliber to tide us over until dinner. Zelda's been a big help.

We have been explaining, in a low-key manner, what the celebration is. I am not sure she gets it. She still remembers her Great-Grandfather Calvin who died last spring, and gets her older brother confused with him.

1 comment:

grumpyABDadjunct said...

I was thinking about Calvin yesterday, wishing him a happy birthday. Since I met you and Toni at Johannes' memorial we've been discussing what to do for our daughter's birth/death day, no decisions yet but your ideas are part of the percolation process. Thanks for the input!
jen aka deadbabymama (