Sunday, July 10, 2005

Though it be not written down, yet forget not that I am an ass.

How delightful to arrive downtown for my first week of rehearsal for The Merry Wives of Windsor to find a twenty-foot high reproduction of me in tights out in front of Playhouse Square.

Of course, I just had to let everyone know about it.

Rehearsals have been keeping me extremely busy. They are long days, but fun days, the company is a whoot. And though comedy is harder to perform than tragedy (we're also producing You Can't Take It With You) it is a lot more enjoyable to be around.

Latest photos of Zelda and Orson are now on my website.


justinian said...

Nice. I'm gonna have to drive by tonight. Since the Greatest American Hero, I just love a man in tights.

Catherine said...

You have a beautiful family.

laura said...

wow. that's a big picture.

laura said...

hey, we took the torontonians by playhouse square to see your picture last night. it looks even bigger in lights!

Jillian said...

Hello - I'm Jill, I've come over here to meet you and am stunned by your impressive hoisery;) I HAD to comment for that reason alone!

You have a gorgeous family, congratulations on the safe arrival of your son. It looks like there will be an awful lot of fun in the future with two little sprites like yours!