Hey, this is cool. I got my evaluations back from the conference at Metro - remember, the performance that took place 38 hours after Orson was born? I wasn't expecting to see the evaluations, this is a first for me.
A lot of the comments are on the conference as a whole, and so I can't take them as directly relating to my work. But this is the first score that is on my show in specific:
Were the objectives achieved?
I HATE THIS: Identify effect of child's death on relationships with family and professional caregivers.
YES: 122 NO: 6
Six? Six people thought those objectives (pretty round objectives) weren't achieved with my show? What kind of philistines are they? Who pissed in their Wheaties that morning?
Seriously, however, it's an overwhelming positive report (sheeyah, except for some half-dozen wieners I could mention) and the written comments were even more encouraging;
Powerful, Bravo, The use of the arts was a powerful teaching tool and so on. It's been a wearying week, and this package really lifted my spirits. It's good to know the work is making an effect.
One person responded to the question "How will you change your behavior because of this program?" by stating they would "Do some reading about John Adams and John Quincy Adams." Didn't get that. But suddenly I am possessed with a desire to read about them, too.