Monday, August 15, 2005

On The Radio: pt. 1

Tom Weaver & Nick Koesters

Acting. Thank you.

Scott Plate as Henrik

The calm, reassuring voice of Brian Pedaci.

Dee Perry as Nurse Angel.

Ali Garrigan as the Midwife.

Dorothy & Reuben Silver as my parents.

(Not pictured; actors Nina Domingue and Sadie Grossman, producer Dave DeOreo and engineer Al Dahlhausen.)

We will finish preliminary recording in two weeks, with Magdalyn Donnelly and Betsy Hogg. We got most of the dialogue down in a four-hour session which was remarkably productive. Everyone was wonderful - better than I could have hoped. I was alternately stunned with the originality of the interpretations, or the spot-on reinterpretations of my work.

Dee asked if it was odd to have people performing the other parts when I have grown so used to playing them all myself. The fact is, I loved it. As much as I cherish doing the show on my own, playing against other readers was just a kick. I hope it sounds as good when Dave and I get to editing it as I think it came off today. Thank you, thank you, thank you, people!

Don't ask when it will air, we don't know that yet. When it does, I am sure it will appear here first.


laura said...

wow - it looks like so much fun. looking forward to the finished product.

Anonymous said...

Me too. (Home from Germany, btw. Exhausted. I'll call.)

laura said...

still waiting for news of the production, but today i am startled into asking: wtf with all of your friends-o-calvin blogs? good lord! when do you have the time??? and when did you get so interested in infertility??? that list is staggering!

pengo said...

I stole it.