Saturday, May 27, 2006

How I Spent My Memorial Day Weekend.

Okay, so yesterday's post was not exactly a coincidence. The fact is we lost one of our company members (literally "lost", as in, we could not find him) on Thursday night, and in the 36 hours since I composed yesterday's post I accepted the offer to play some of his roles, memorized and performed them. Sarah stepped in to play the others.

Thursday night's show was cancelled due to the emergency, as was last night's so we could rehearse, something we did all afternoon today as well. Tonight I went on, playing six roles instead of four. That's also six costumes instead of four, I had quite a pile of swiftly discarded uniforms backstage at the end of the night. There were a few bobbled lines as I remembered I had left a somewhat but not entirely necessary prop off-stage, otherwise we survived. I am working with a dynamite crew of extremely supportive people.

I am exhausted, but otherwise content with the work. I am bitter about missing out on a beautiful day outside with my kids. Unplanned time away from them can fill me with rage. I had promised Z. a trip to the zoo. I will make it up to her in the next two days.


Anonymous said...

That's freaky, man. A complete disappear-job? No word from him at all? Any hints that he might go AWOL?

I'm going to catch the show next weekend. Touch a stingray for me at the zoo - we're not going near the place until the holiday weekend's far past.

Anonymous said...

Been there, been there BEEN there. Both the "leaping into the breach" thing - congrats on that, by the way - but the "I promised Lydia" thing, too. She's off school this week. I'm working. BUT we've got a bowling date coming up on Friday. (Honestly, she likes that more than me!)
Enjoy the zoo!

pengo said...

Brian: We finally heard from him on Friday evening around 5:30. So we know he's not in a ditch somewhere.

Henrik: Enjoy the bowling!