Thursday, April 26, 2007

POW !!!

Waiting for the other shoe to drop, I have otherwise been enjoying the fact that, pretty much since January, I have not suffered a single debilitating headache. There have been mild ones that I have either dealt with or made go away with ordinary, over-the-counter pain medication. But nothing serious.

Yesterday afternoon was entirely normal, until I started driving home and began feeling tired. I had a stressful phone call with my brother in London, and then proceeded to discuss arrangements with the folks in Louisville about the May 11th event.

Prior to these calls, I was feeling presser between my eyes. My elelids where feeeling heavy and sore. By the time I got off the phone with Rev. M. in KY, I was feeling sick to my stomach, and needed to lie down.

Brief, relevant side-comment: In THE TEMPEST, Andrew wanted to avoid the normal "gee, I'm awfully sleepy" acting that usually goes into those scenes when eithe Prospero or Ariel puts someone to sleep. It was like WHAM, people would say they were "wonderous heavy" and then just collapse. Not that anyone was watching me, but my little trick was, you guessed it, I would get a migraine. We'd hear little bells, and my fingers would go to the bridge of my nose, my vision would blur (not really, that was acting) my stomach would clench, and then BOOM, I'd slump on the ground.

It only added injury to insult that a moment later D.A. would use my head as a bongo, but I didn't tell him that.

My question, as always, is this: WHY? Barometric pressure? Familial concern? Or, what I am increasingly beginning to fret - is it this show?

I had to perform with a headache In November, 2004. The day after the perf at the conference in Chicago last year I was socked in bed all morning and part of the afternoon. Last night, totally wasted, for me and for Toni, who did her best to keep the children away from me. These are just three examples, but it makes me wonder.

It was hideous. It lasted all night. Even now I feel hung-over.


Anonymous said...

And for me, the odd thing is I feel fine, just impatient and occaisionally emotional. I hope you are feeling better soon.

pengo said...

Yes, well, you're in denial. The rest of us are freaking out.

I hope you are feeling better soon, too.