Tuesday, April 24, 2007


Recommendation to the Recording and Broadcast Industries: A Statement by Russell Simmons and Dr. Benjamin Chavis on behalf of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network:

... HSAN reaffirms, therefore, that there should not be any government regulation or public policy that should ever violate the First Amendment. With freedom of expression, however, comes responsibility. With that said, HSAN is concerned about the growing public outrage concerning the use of the words "xxxxx," "xx," and "xxxxxx." We recommend that the recording and broadcast industries voluntarily remove/bleep/delete the misogynistic words "xxxxx" and "xx" and the racially ofensive word "xxxxxx." (Read the words yourself here.)

Self-censorship. Always been popular in my family.

1 comment:

pengo said...

I don't think Mr. Simmons said artists can't say what they want. He says he recommends that they don't. As in, "I would prefer you not use that word."

If everyone who was ever offended by something someone near them said, politely, "I would prefer you not use that word," I think the millions of polite requests would loudly drown out all the handful of nasty hate speech rather fast.