Wake Me Up When September Ends
Green Day
American Idiot
(Yes, it's true. Green Day made me cry.)
From: Overheard In New York
Black dude: Yo, you shoulda seen this baby. It was like 42 inches long.
Spanish chick: Yo, no way. That's like almost 2 feet.
--Q train
Thanks, everybody. We've gotten a lot of awesome and supportive emails. I'd describe the birthing in detail, only that's really Toni's job and I shouldn't take that away from her ... at least not online.

He's such a chunk, our golden bear. I figured it out today, I think he looks like my dad, he's got my dad's head, and, I think, his eyes. That may just because he's got swollen, just-been-born head.
My brother Henrik is 41 today - happy birthday, man, they're my two of my favorite albums from 2004, I hope you like them.
Spoke with my great-grandfather Henrik yesterday afternoon. That was hard. He turns 101 on Tuesday (uh, no, that's not a typo - his birthday really is on Tuesday) and he was trying so hard for me to understand him.
"Uhm, what was that Grandfather? Did you, uh ... we love you, too, was that ... uh. We love you. What? What? How is Toni? I think you just said - uh, she's fine."
I think he knows he has a new great-grandson. I think so. I hope so. I don't know.
I came to understand him most in the past four years. I finally felt we had something in common, and that we had something to talk about.
He and Grandma Helen lost three kids before adopting my father and my uncle. Two died before they were born, and one lived for an hour. When I used to hear tales about life back in tha' day, and how lots of children died in childbirth, I just thought, you know, that's what it was like back then. No big deal.
I love hearing stories about how people didn't used to get very attached to their children back then - not the way people do today - because they didn't know if they were going to live or not.
Isn't that just the biggest load of horseshit you've ever heard?
Toni & Orson come home tomorrow. I think one more day and Zelda would fricking explode. I have almost recovered myself, I am still a little weak and my voice is very tired. And I have a show tomorrow! Jesus. Wish me luck.
yes, the whole "they didn't get attached to them because half of them died anyway" thing is horseshit. babies died all the time, and people also went nuts all the time.
hope you're feeling strong friday. we will be there - you can borrow our energy if you need to.
My 3 year old loves Greenday - I have yet had the opportuinty to try and explain to him what a "political mind-fuck" is, but I'm sure he'll ask one day. For me, it was the soundtrack for the final stretch going into the election - optimism and spirits were high. The lead in to the mind numbing depression that followed the first couple of weeks in November of 2004. Hey, I have a gift for you all. I hope to catch one of you in the Horizon parking lot next week.
We were passing the Hammersmith Apollo and saw the longest line of people I can remember seeing. It just went and went. It was for a Green Day concert.
Thanks for the CD's man! I'm looking forward to hearing them!
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