I was truly surprised at how much we were able to accomplish in two, two hour sessions. Wednesday we (mostly) took all of the audio we had recorded with the actors in August, which were entirely out of order, and put them in order. That included remembering which takes we liked and which we didn't. Thank God Dave took very good notes, because I had no idea.
At the end of that session, I was also struck at how much I thought the show was going to sound ... not good. And it was 1 hour and one minute long - that was before adding music and sound effects. We need a 00:58.30 program, period.
By the time we were done with that rough edit the show was - one hour and two minutes! We had added an awful lot of time with the music, but apparently we had also taken out a lot of dead air. That was a thrilling relief. There's still a lot of work, but I think we have nowhere to go but down - chronologically speaking.
Target airing is the day after Thanksgiving, at noon. It will be a "Very Special" episode of Around Noon, which would have been a re-run on that day, anyway. We have a lot of work to do before then, but I like to think the hardest part is done.
I will need to cut certain passages, and going over the rough version there are a few places I want to re-record entirely, but only me, not any of the other actors. Anyone who has any suggestions for cuts is welcome to make them.
I'm so glad you asked....
Oh, man ...
Sorry, I couldn't resist. Night night.
But...you can't cut my pauses! They're Pinteresque - deeply imbued with meaning.
Ah well, do your worst. Philistine.
It's pronounced "Fronk-en-steen."
Pinter got the Nobel prize for literature yesterday. So, pauses are..... significant.
wondering...how did you deal with the...c-word? can't imagine wcpn could...air that word...
Are you kidding? WCPN was skittish about airing the fart we picked up during the Tunick installation.
Just a note: on your front page it has IHT airing on Thursday (the day after Thanksgiving). You may want to change that to Friday ...
Will you have a copy of this? hopefully I'll be good and loaded on Czech pilsner and rockin' out with my favorite band in Prague as this airs...
Justin didn't get the memo - Thanksgiving is on Wednesday this year.
WCPN will no doubt be archiving the piece on their website - like they did with the Spencer Tunick pieve - so people can listen to it whenever they like.
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