Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Now With Less Content!

A very exciting day in the editing studio. You folks must think we're taking forever to cut this thing; truth is, these sessions are about two hours each - two sessions last week, two this week.

We're adding more sound effects, and today one of the other actors re-took an entire scene - that was extremely rewarding for everyone involved.

Tomorrow we are going to tape at the Old Stone Church to get the correct ambiance for the Cloisters scene. There isn't that much background sound in the show, but any scene that's just acting with little or no exposition from me needs something or it can be confusing.

And there have been rewrites. Just today I reworked the opening to Hamley's for a second (third?) time. The description of summer in London was trimmed, and some of my more accusative comments have been rendered a bit more passive (much like this entire sentence.)

Oh, and I eliminate an entire character.

Meanwhile, remember how I said I needed to get the show down to 58:30? Not true. That's without station IDs at twenty and forty minutes. I needed to get it down to 57:30. That's two minutes we still needed to excise, not one.

And I did it, sucka. Don't think it didn't hurt. What is missing? Any mention of RU-486, John Phillips, or the Baby Food Company That Must Not Be Named.

What's left? Everything else. They wanted the baby to live at the end, but I stood my ground.

Two weeks, two days, and counting. And we're not done yet.


laura said...

what? no hollywood happy ending? what's wrong with you? do you want the terrorists to win?

Anonymous said...

Figures they wanted to change things up. No one can handle to feel pain anymore...must sugar coat everything. Good for you for standing your ground...

Anonymous said...

They wanted "THE BABY" to live? WTF? Please tell me this is just an inside joke around here. I find it seriously disturbing if any degree of consideration was expected of the suggestion. I have grown so tired of being minimized and marginalized as a Mom who is bitter about her losses and just needs to "get over it." I'm sure you know that talking about dead babies is impolite makes others uncomfortable. I'm sure most here know that I the only reason I talk about my losses is to merely to be antoginistic to those in the non-loss world - like I choose being involved with perinatal loss issues. I Hate This...


Catherine said... are a sick sick man.

And I personally will miss the reference to the baby-food-company-who-must-not-be-named. But I have to tell ya, as an attorney...good call getting rid of that bit.

Anonymous said...

Well, I got it. "No stars. Just talent." I'm looking forward to experiencing it two weeks from tomorrow.



PS You know Lydia will want to take you back to Hamley's next year. Don't feel obligated.

pengo said...

She won't want to take me, she'll want to take Zelda. And how could we say no?

Anonymous said...

Yeah. It's her favorite stop and she hasn't taken anyone in a while. I'm looking forward to having you here again. For so many reasons. I've been thinking about these posts and it drives me crazy that people wanted to "lighten" the play. That attitude is what "I Hate This" is all about! (Granted, in hindsight it's easier to see.) I'm glad it will reach a wider audience. (I swear the word I had to type at the bottom is the name of that imp like creature in Superman that no one can pronounce.)

justinian said...

I learned something new today: the Gerber baby was a girl.

Who knew? I'd always thought that it was Bogart.