Sunday, December 11, 2005

Happy Holidays

The Thayer-Hansen 2005 Holiday Letter. Joyeux Noel, y'all.


lorem ipsum said...

Wow. A family holiday letter I actually LIKED. Good job.

Anonymous said...

Ivy has been carrying your letter around all day long. She's particularly tickled by Nakie Zelda and the Wild Things (Look for their debut album wherever fine music is sold).

laura said...

wow, we go away for a few days and you go crazy blogging.

sorry you've been feeling so crappy; migraines are so hideous. i wish i could offer you some relief. mine just stopped about five years ago, so maybe i just needed to get laid, by justin in particular. not that i'm offering justin's services.

loved the letter. who drew it? it was awaiting us when we got home from spain like a ray of sunshine in our mailbox. :)

and what freaky person defined the word "flip" as "addicted to buttocks"????? did i read that right? wtf??????????

Anonymous said...

Man, Laura. Keep up.

1. If it means never having a migraine again, I will have sex with Justin.

Actually, I'd have sex with anyone.

2. Who drew it? I did, you silly girl.

3. Yes, "flip" means "addicted to buttocks," all the kids are saying it.

And "idiot" is a "mid-nineties term for gold."

ex: "Bud, you can't share idiot!"